Recents in Beach

Mole fortunes-part 3

          Mole fortunes-part 3

10.The palm of your hand

A mole inside the palm of your hand is a good sign for those who love money. What did you just say? who doesn't well some people value simple joys of life and spiritual things more or so they say. But anyway never running out of money sounds like a good fortune to most of us having ambitions and achieving your goals as a strong leader is not bad either. A mole on the back of your palm indicates good management skills especially when it comes to financial matters. So you will not only have a lot of money, but you will also know what to do with it good stuff!
Mole fortunes



Having large moles covering most of the body is very rare only 1 in 20,000 to 50,0000 people can boast of that or no really unless you find it very pretty of that. It is also very rare to have moles on the spinal cord and the base of the brain. Moles on the sole of your feet prove that you are someone who loves to travel and try new things including food. You have many friends and like to be the center of attention. Your job mostly encourages you to do that so you are a good leader taking care of things professionally. 

If you have twin moles on your sole or any other part of your body it means you are a complicated dual personality you like to question things and to look at your options you will think twice before making decisions. It is not only the location of moles but also their shape and color that matter.

If you have round੦ moles and prefer keeping things calm and peaceful you are sweet and good to others and like to look for compromise.
Oblong🕳️ moles promise their owners some good fortune in the future. You will make it yourself so it promises some hard work involved too. By the way, the shape of your moles is not the only thing that can tell a lot about your personality. Later I will write what your eyebrows tell about your personality. Back to the good old moles if yours are light color it is considered to be a sign of good luck. Dark almost-black moles symbolize the obstacles you will have to overcome on your way to success it all ends well though no worries. Finally achieving something you have been fighting for feels more rewarding than just being given it, right. When we speak of dark moles we have to mention the health aspect as well. Many people believe they are dangerous and indicate serious diseases like cancer. It is not always so!

We don't have to have moles to be successful or to be lucky. These are just predictions. 
Dream Big, Stay Positive, Work Hard and enjoy the journey 

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