Recents in Beach


                                                Discovery of Paper 

Friends, can you tell me what's probably mankind's greatest discovery? It's probably lying nearby you. If you are saying paper you are conventional. This white little thing is so abounding that it sometimes feels like a natural product but it isn't quite so. So let's find about the birth of paper.

In biblical times well that is before the paper was invented, people used to carry knowledge not simply in their minds and besides on them too!! The writing was usually done on bones, bamboo tablets or animal skin. Which made locating these articles Ummm dirty and dull.😆😆😆😆 

There was however one Chinese man, in the Han Dynasty man, in 105 AD who reformed the system people wrote and read forever! literally. "THE LEGEND SAYS" that a man identified Cai Luin once saw a wasp, knitting its nest. 
The steps:
1. Fibre

It was then an idea that struck him. He used the bamboo fibres combined them with water and crushed them with a wooden instrument. After the fibres were completely intermingled he poured the whole mixture on a sleek spun fabric permitting the water to drain out.🚿

He let the liquid mixture dry out under the day-star "and the fluid must have been screaming on the top of its lungs burning!" okay where was I? oh right! sorry, get diverted sometimes. 

After draining the liquid the planet's first paper was sustained. Cai Luin displayed his paper making process to the Chinese Emperor and received praise for his talent. From that time, the paper has been in use everywhere and is universally called the paper of Marquis Ts hai.

It was easy to execute, the writers were happy and of course, it was lightweight. Did you know, although the Chinese kept the secret of papermaking reserved for a prolonged period the secret finally started developing after the fall of the Chinese T'ang army in 751 AD?

By the end of the 12th century, a significant part of the world was using Cai Luin's method of manufacturing paper. But as the popularity of this spectacular discovery grew so did the demand. 

Request that the manual method of paper production couldn't assuredly meet. This ultimately gave way to water-powered mills. The first sign of which records back to the Spanish kingdom of Aragon in 1282. 

The most popular fibre origin production method utilised ragman. Which included hemp, linen and cotton. The use of this fibre origin was to endure for another 6 centenaries before a different age.
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