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Leap years

                   Why do we have leap years?

Hurry up! mom grandma will come soon. Her birthday comes one day in four yearsã„™. Friends do you know why? because my grandma was born on a leap day in a leap year. Hey, friends talking about leap day have you ever wondered why does February has 29 days in leap years and during the rest year is has only 28 days? So by the granny arrives let us find the answer to the question "Why do we have leap years?"

Hey friends as we all are aware of the fact that the Earth revolves around the sun in orbit and the period it takes to finish the revelation is considered as a year. We think that the time to complete this circle is estimated to be 365 days but in reality, the Earth takes around 365.25 days which counts an extra 6 hours. So what do we do with these extra six hours in hand?

Well, we add them four times to create a once-in four-year phenomenon is called The Leap Year. But how? Well to answer that question we need to go back in time into the Roman era

Leap years

A long time ago lived a legendary emperor named Romulus, the founder and the first king of Rome. Romulus had a problem, and that was he found it challenging to keep track of seasons, festivals, and numerous ceremonies.

So, to overcome it he ordered to make a 10 months lunar calendar with each month consisting of either or thirty-one days that started in March. the months were:-
and a total of 304 days But there was a major issue with this approach. The calendar was not in sync with the four seasons. But the problem didn't end there once Romulus's reign ended and king Numa Pompilus came into power he decided to take a different approach with a slight favor of ancient Rome's superstitions. 

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