Recents in Beach

Mole Fortunes-part 2

                                          Mole Fortunes-part 2

Are you among those who have cheekbone moles follow me if yes? This beauty mark promises you quite a lot of money. You will earn it all yourself as you will most likely have a very well and important job. You might become a president like Abraham Lincoln for example. He had a mole on his face that we can still see on the $5 bill. One weird thing bout it is that the mole seems to be on the opposite side of this face. We have all seen his famous picture from 1864 which inspired the Bill image right! it turns out it is not the blank note which is reversing his face but the original photo the mirror image is the result of using old photo technology. Ok enough history for the day. Let's get back to exploring our present and predicting the future. 
Mole Fortunes


Those who have chin moles are everyone's favorites. Why? because how can you not love a person who is caring and affectionate add responsible and full of enthusiasm about work and you get a superhuman who also loves to travel and explore new things. Why not do it when you can easily adapt to any environment.


If you happen to have moles on your ears it means you can hear much better than others and you will get far in life. Just kidding. It is a sign of a lucky individual if you just started looking for a mole somewhere on your ears and found it to test your luck. Buy a lottery ticket and if you win you know whom to thank for it.


Most people who have neck moles are not particularly excited about them. It is like a permanent pendant you never asked for right? Well finding out its meaning will probably change the way you feel about the mole. If you have one on the front of your neck you will run into a huge fortune when you expect at least of all. If you have it on the opposite side of your neck the back of it you are very satisfied with what you have and you know to appreciate it not bad either! 


Those who have moles on their back always have a backup plan. Note the pun. However, that plan might not involve you be careful with the trust but verify you know to check out every detail before making any important agreements.


Our moles are very widespread and it's a good thing it makes us happy to know there are large amounts of polite and trustworthy people in the world. This is what it indicates if you have moles on your arms or at least one mole there you will be happily married if you are already married but are not particularly happy at the moment look at your arm moles and change your attitude towards things a bit.


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