Recents in Beach

Haunted-part 3

                                  Haunted- part 3 
(Suddenly mark was thrown from one side to another)

Mark: "What's happening?"
A grumpy voice answered: "Kid this is not the place to take rest."
Mark: "What do you mean and who are you?"
The grumpy voice said:" I am the next challenge, My name is strongy. Defeat me if you want to go ahead" 
Strongy: "You have to kill me in a sword fight"
Mark: "I have never killed anybody I don't if I can do this"
Strongy: "Oh! well your parents were braver than you"
Mark: "How are you still alive if they killed you"
Strongy: "I am a protector of this forest the forest rejuvenates me as soon as you or any other traveller finishes their quest"
Strong: "Get ready to die"

Haunted-part 3

(Then the fight starts. Mark starts it. He was about to get defeated when he remembered what his father told him " It ok sometimes to run the other way of a fight it's better not to start a fight"
He backed off immediately)

Strongy: "clever"
(This time Mark was on the lead. He was about to kill strongy but hesitated and threw the sword away and instead picked strongy up)

Strongy: "You have to kill me if you want to go ahead and save your mother."
Mark: "As I said I have never killed anyone in my life and nor will I ever I am not making your just for my own selfish needs I am not my parents"
Strongy: "Kindness, You have a big heart of gold Thank you and I was wrong you are indeed not like your parents"
Mark: "Well I believe the kindness you put in the world has always been a way of coming back to you"
Strongy: "For the kindness, you've shown has also filled my heart with kindness you have to the same with your mother even a little bit of kindness will bring back your mother"
Mark: "Thank you for your help I must leave now" 

(Mark enters in a place full of mist and darkness not even a single streak of light seemed to pass through. Suddenly he fell into a big hole and fainted instantly)
(When he woke up he was back home he was surprised that what had happened. Then suddenly he's dad was beside him angry on him)

Mark: " Dad why do you look so angry"
His dad: " Why won't I? You were unsuccessful to bring your mother back and also broke your leg. you would have died there luckily strongy saved you"
Mark: "No! that isn't possible I... I"
His dad: " I wouldn't be so angry with you but you lost your quest and lost your mother forever"
 (Mark stayed in the same room forever without being to forgive himself)
(He eventually got sicker and sicker)......................

                      To be continued.........................

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