Recents in Beach

Paper part-2

                                                Discovery of Paper 
Although the paper was meant to be cheaper than the traditional writing material such as animal skin and bones, it was still costly and production was low. But this was, only until two men, from diverse landmasses, named Friedrich Gottlob Keller and Charles Fenerty, proposed wood fiber as a root material.

In light of this latest development, the mills started replacing this new discovery, with wood fiber, a new era of papermaking began in mid-1844, and by the end of the 19th century, all the paper manufacturers in the west were transforming wood to paper, and my friends, what is paper without pen and pencils.

So, with the invention of fountain pens and pencils, the paper business skyrocketed! Books were written and read, paper money was printed, even gifts were wrapped in paper.

Paper part-2

                                             FUN FACTS

Did you know, for every ton of paper that gets recycled we save 
three cubic yards of landfill space
700 gallons of water
20 trees
It also produces 73% less air pollution than making paper from new materials. The amount of energy saved from recycling can power an average home for 6 months! 
Global Toilet paper demand uses nearly 30,000 trees, every day! That is 10 Million trees a year. Almost half of a global wood harvest becomes paper!
Think about just how many trees we could save if we all went paperless!

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