Recents in Beach


                     What If You Stopped SLEEPING? 

Hey, friends have you ever wondered what will happen if you don't sleep. This often happens to me. I don't want to sleep. I think that sleeping is just a waste of time but it's not. So let's see what will happen if we don't sleep

We all know that just like eating and drinking, sleeping is also necessary for our survival. Yes, it not only gives your body rest but also recharges your brain for the next day. But what if someone is put in a situation where they can't have some shut eyes?

Well, in that case, merely after the first six hours, you might start to feel tired and cranky due to excessive production of a hormone called Cortisol. However, after twenty-four hours of a sleepless night, something opposite will happen.

Yes, instead of feeling tired, you will have a sudden burst of energy due to a feel-good chemical called Dopamine. Because of this, the world will start to look pleasant, and you will feel extra motivated and animated.

But once the exhaustion sets in, it begins to go downhill from thereon. Yes, after thirty-six hours of sleep deprivation your memory will begin to weaken, making you forget things, and even your reaction time will decrease while your brain struggles to save energy for your day-to-day function.

If you decide to push the limits of your sleepless spree and manage to stay awake for forty -eight hours. From there on, things will take for the worse, as your body will start to shut down marry vital physical functions.

Yes, you will begin to feel extremely fatigued as your body won't be able as your body won't be able to metabolize glucose properly and even your immune system will stop functioning making you prone to sickness.

On the third day or after seventy-two hours of sleeplessness. Due to the lack of essential chemicals and nutrients in your overstimulated brain horror will begin to strike and you will start to hallucinate.

Meaning you may see and hear things that aren't actually real, like unusual sounds and visions. Not only that, but you may also start losing track of time and forget basic things like your name or how to eat or read or play.

If someone decides to cross all the limits, studies have shown that fourteen days without sleep could be fatal. So friends make sure to go to bed on time to stay healthy, wealthy, and fine.

                                     FUN FACTS
Did you know a 17-year-old student Randy Gardner managed to stay away awake for 264 hours straight which is equal to 11 days? Yes,  it beat the world record for staying awake which at the time was held by a DJ in Honolulu who managed 260 hours or just under 11 days. Please do not try this at home!    





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