Recents in Beach



Song:(♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ I am the Meteoroid don't take me for a ride cause i turn into a Meteor,huh I pass through the atmosphere of the earth,no, don't get scared cause i then turn into a Meteorite♪♪♪). 
    Let's simplify this song for you. Come we will talk about Meteoroid, Meteor and Meteorites today.

Meteoroid is a small rocky object found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter which is often known as Solar Junkyard. when the molecules around the Meteoroids rub against them they start burning. 

When this burning Meteoroid passes through the earth's🌎 atmosphere it is called a Meteor.
When that Meteor survives through the atmosphere and collide with the earth's surface it's called a Meteorite.

Haven't you seen shooting star⭐🌠. Well those are actually meteors. Shooing stars = meteors
Some Meteors burn brighter than the rest also known as fireballs. Some fireballs appear even brighter than the planet Venus.

There's a small percentage% of Meteoroids that follow a particular paths to Earth's atmosphere  and then back again. They are called grazing fireballs.

About 25 million meteors enter the Earth's atmosphere everyday. But most of them often burn up giving out 1 million kl grams of dust per day that settles on the earth's surface.

The meteorites are classified into three types :
1. Stony ones 
2.Iron ones
3.Magnetic ones  

                FUN FACTS

Asteroids are parent bodies of meteoroids.👪 
Nearly 500 meteorites reach Earth's surface every year out of which 5-6 reach to scientists for their study.

song(♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ I am the Meteorite I used to shine so bright this earth is such a plight I am the Meteorite i am the Meteorite I used to shine so bright ♪♪♪) 

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