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Hey friends, you must be thinking we are talking about horror stories today. Well, we are not. So let's see what the other goosebumps are and why is it called so and why do we get them. We all get goosebumps for various reasons.

Goosebumps also commonly known as goose flesh are tiny bums on your skin at the base of your hair that spring up involuntarily caused by various factors like an unexpected cold breeze, watching a scary movie, playing adventure sports etc.

I know you are thinking but why are they called what they are called, that is goosebumps well their name is the most straight forward thing about them. When geese are freshly plucked their skin creates raised bumps where the feathers were and because of this visual similarity, we call them goosebumps.


But why do we get it? Well, it is believed years ago, when humans were all big, smelly and hairy goosebumps played a vital role in their daily lives. You see, our ancestors never had the luxury of clothes and generally wandered around half-naked making them watch prey to climatic conditions.

As the winter hit our ancestral uncle felt cold the adrenal glands got activated and released a hormone called adrenaline also known as epinephrine. This hormone causes the tiny muscles erector pili which are attached to the hair follicle to tense up and shrink making the hair stand upright and a little bit of skin around the hair protrudes like a flexing muscle resulting in goosebumps. 

This straightened hair helped to trap more air which stopped body heat from realising making our ancestral uncle feel better cozy and warmer. Not only that getting goosebumps is an automated response we call reflex which is an action your body has automatically executed without even thinking about it.

This particular reflex is known as a pilomotor reflex and generally gets activated during the flight or fight situation. So whenever our ancestors came across deadly wild animal adrenaline rushed in and made their hair stand to make them appear bigger to scare their enemies. 

We can still observe this phenomenon in our pet cat or a dog you must have seen their hair standing on end when they sense danger or feel afraid. So now you know why do we get goosebumps. 

         FUN FACTS

Did you know medical terms for goosebumps are
1. Cutis Anserina     
2. Piloerection
3. Horripilation
Also, some people get goosebumps when they listen to music. Yes, a study found that people who are more open to different types of music and to new experiences are more likely to get goosebumps and chills from listening.


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