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How was the first bar of chocolate invented?

                                           How was the first bar of chocolate invented?

Friends, let me take you all to the roots of chocolate and also take you how chocolate chip cookies and the first bar of chocolate were invented.

Mayans from Central America were the first ones to discover chocolate in early 900 A.D. They believed that the beans from the cocoa pods could be crushed and made into a liquid that would soon become a Mayan Treat. But hey the liquid wasn't sweet at all it was rather made of chilli peepers cocoa beans and water.
But many believe that the discovery of chocolate goes back to 1900 B.C. when the Mesoamericans considered cocoa beans to be a gift from the god of wisdom called Quetzalcoatl(that's a difficult name right👈) who was later banished from the circle of gods for sharing a precious treasure to the humans poor Quetzalcoatl.

Later when the Aztecs took over the Mayans they took taxes from the poor Mayans in the form of cocoa beans as they couldn't grow cocoa themselves this is when cocoa was used as a form of currency hahaha imagine there was once a time when money actually grew on trees.
How was the first bar of chocolate invented?


It was believed that Christopher Columbus got cocoa beans to Europe during one of his world exploration expeditions(hard spelling it took me hours to write exploration expeditions nah just kidding😇) but since he got a bag full of other precious discoveries the cocoa beans was kind of ignored. It was his fellow explorer Don Hernen Cortes who realised the commercial value of chocolate and soon the tradition of drinking chocolate grew all over Europe spread  to England and people are crazy about chocolate till today.

Historians believe that somewhere in 1847 a chocolate manufacturing company named as Fry's chocolate factory invented the first bar of chocolate yes they figured out a way to mix cocoa powder, sugar and cocoa beans to create a pace that could be pressed into a mold and that sound my friends the first successful chocolate was made.

Now let me tell you about the absolutely delicious chocolate chip cookies. Many of you don't know that it was an accidental invention that's right an American chef called Ruth Graves Wakefield thought of making something new. So she added some chocolate bits into a cookie dough and baked it poor chef thought that the chocolate bits would melt and she would get plain chocolate cookies for her her customers but to her surprise the chocolate bits didn't melt and they became the ever so delicious chocolate chip cookies.
                                                              FUN FACTS

Did you know that eating dark chocolate everyday reduces the risk of heart diseases by one-third💝. Chocolate has an antibacterial affect on the mouth which protects against tooth decay🦷. 

So friends now when you eat chocolates you'll exactly know how it came to being. 

         Did you like it? To know about how the salty crunchy french fries and Potato chips was invented click👉 salty


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