Recents in Beach

Horror-part 2

                                               10 cursed objects

6.Otzi (aka iceman)
When he was discovered in 1991 in the Etzel alps between Austria and Italy tourists thought they found a body of a mountaineer who did not so long ago. Upon further investigation, it was learned that the body was actually a well-preserved mummy who lived around 3300 BC😇. If Bootsy was a Shepard perhaps he was murdered for his sheep. Fascinating is that what's perhaps more intriguing is that seven people linked to it seized discovery and recovery have since died and not all from natural causes when the genitals of the Iceman appeared to be missing people began that he was the victim of ritual sacrifice. However, the shrunken organs were later found. Further tests determined that it seemed most likely died of blood loss after being tagged by an arrow to the shoulder or a head injury administered around the same time but that doesn't quite have the same sensational appeal. In the years ahead researchers will continue to study you would see they are confident that in time. The Iceman will reveal the story of his life.

7.The chair of Death
Being wary of ancient tombs and jewels is bad enough. But now it seems we should also remember to watch where we sit. The infamous chair of death also called "Busby Stoop Chair" and the "Dead man's chair" was cursed by convict Thomas Busby in 1702. Busby murdered his father-in-law allegedly sitting in his mentioned favourite chair. On the weight of the gallows, he put a curse on the chair dooming anyone who dared sit on it. The chair remained in a pub in North Yorkshire for centuries. During World war, two pilots frequented the pub but the ones who sat on the chair never returned from combat. The chair has apparently killed everyone who sat on it with victims with haunting experiences like paranoia, itchiness and other unexplained occurrences before their deaths.
Horror-part 2

8.The Dybbuk box
The inspiration for the 2012 film the possession. The Dybbuk box gets its appropriate name because it contains a "dybbuk"= a malicious and restless spirit with the ability to possess the living. Originally belonging to a survivor of the Holocaust. Many subsequent owners of the heirloom experienced bizarre and explainable happenings. Each of them has stated that they either smelled cat urine or jasmine flowers coming from the wine cabinet and that they endured horrific nightmares. It's been on eBay a few times now.

During the first few weeks it's spent in the apartment of two nurses and training and roommates named Donna and Angie this doll was seemingly harmless. However curious as to the explainable occurrences surrounding the doll. The women called in a medium to find out the story behind it. Sinister activities then reportedly manifested with demonologists. Edie and Lorraine Warren explaining that they were dealing with a conduit to hell and that the attached demon was looking to possess a living being after a failed exorcism on the doll.               

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