Recents in Beach

Parquinein and the cookbook- part 2

         Parquinein and the cookbook- part 2

(Caroline stuffing a gum in Hannah's mouth said, "ugh Hannah can you stop talking"
Hannah said while blowing the gum," That's the problem I can't and I will stuff a gum because  I can't talk then because hey are two because.
Caroline quickly stuffed the gum in Hannah's mouth.
Grandma Becky, "What have you guys cooked?")

All of them told together"shut up shortcake"
Grandma Becky, "Oh no from a cookbook with the sign bergum?"
Caroline said, "I don't know any sign called Bergum that's a weird sign we saw without Elena's powers oh yeah about that after we cooked this dish Elena somehow got some weird powers,"
Parquinein and the cookbook- part 2

Elena typed out, "hey my powers are not weird. I can move things with my mind. Those are cool."
Caroline said, "Ok whatever but please let me continue"
Hannah said,'" Can I tell the rest please? because if I tell"
Caroline said, "Here we go again take this gum and don't talk"
Caroline said, "where was I? yeah Elena got her powers and she kind of figured out the sign, and when she showed that to us with her powers I realized that it was we three you and more two people well not people ladies.
Grandma Becky, "You are the chosen ones"
Hannah said, "What? what chosen ones?
Caroline said," I said don't talk just chew your gum."
Grandma Becky, "Now you guys know that magic is real right"
Caroline said, "yes after all this obviously."
Grandma Becky said, "Ok then storytime later first Caroline has to do something."
Caroline said, "What what can I do? I don't know anything about magic
Grandma Becky said, "You don't need magic for that. Kindness will help you. An act will help your friend"
Caroline said, "What are you kidding me I have to figure out what to do?
Grandma Becky said, "Yes, my part is done for now."
Caroline said," wait a second I have to show an act of kindness on behalf of you guys."
Hannah said, "That's my clever Caroline."
Caroline said, "don't even think about it I don't need compliments you just keep chewing the gum. But how do I show one? I think I have to go out. Hannah and Elena, I will come back in no time I just need to show kindness"

Caroline was walking for any sign of work she has to do and suddenly saw a thief trying to take a lady's phone. She pushed the thief away and the lady thought that Caroline is just careless because the phone had fallen but not broken.

Caroline thought, "Man! the lady definitely doesn't think I just helped her. It was worth a try. But nothing was mentioned in the riddle saying that if he/she gets angry for your act it will change."
When Caroline reached home she saw that Elena was ...........................
                                                                        Next part


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