Recents in Beach

Why do we laugh?

                      Why do we laugh? 

Friends today let us explore what tickles our funny😆😆😆 bone and try to find the answer to the funny question "Why do we laugh?"

We all love to have a good laugh and that's one of the things we all have in common around the world. We giggle, chuckle, or burst out into laughter when someone tells a joke or when we feel ticklish and even at a well-timed fart. But the vital question is Why? why? and why?

Well although it is not clear that why we laugh but experts believe that it is evolved for strengthening our social bonds since the early days of humanity. Yes, our ancestors have been laughing even before the invention of the word whenever they witness something surprisingly hilarious and used in a way of communication to let others know that everything is alright, the climate looks good, there are no wild animals around, the food seems perfectly good in short its time for happy hours.
Why do we laugh?

Another strange reason we laugh is to feel relieved and relaxed. Yes, laughter helps us to cope with stressful situations effectively by realizing special feel-good chemicals called Endorphins which also relieve pain.

Not only that, but laughing is also a form of exercise. Yes, the act of laughing involves multiple body parts that make you breathe deeply, use your muscles, boost your immune system and get your heart and lungs function better, which can calm you down ease the pain when you are hurt, and put you in a good mood if you're feeling anxious or fearful.

"So why do we laugh?" because it promotes bonding, diffuses potential conflict, and eases stress and anxiety. But wait there is a dark side to it as well👹 hahaha😆😆😆. Yes, continuous laughter can be a sign that there is something seriously wrong with your brain.

One such condition is called "Pseudobulbar '(pronounced pseudobulbar)' affect syndrome" (difficult name right😆😆) which is characterized by frequent involuntary and uncontrollable outbursts of laughing😆😆 and crying😭😭. Also, a study shows that an increasingly twisted sense of humor and laughing at inappropriate times could be an early indication of dementia (pronounced dementia).

So as long as there is no underlying illness laughter is indeed the best medicine.

                           FUN FACTS

Did you know we laugh up to 30 times more when we are in the company of others than we are by ourselves? Yes, my friends just like yawning laughter are contagious as well and that is one reason television often plays a 'laugh track' after a funny moment. Also, a study found that kids tend to laugh about 3 times more than adults. 

                      QUESTION TIME 

Today's question is "What special feel-good chemical does laughter release?" Write in comments below👇       

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